On "Appearance" page you can set how the Avast32 program will look like.
By checking "Show splash window at program start" box you enable showing splash window during AVAST32 start-up. If this window upsets you or you would like to slightly speed up program start do not check this box. This check box is checked by default.
By checking "Show special task" check box the following tasks will be also displayed in the task list: "Explorer extension ", "Screen Saver" and "Setting of Simple user interface". And their modification will be allowed directly from the program then.
By checking the "Show less graphical elements" check box no pictures will be displayed. It is good not only for saving some space on your desktop, but also to speed the program up a bit.
The "Show color gradients" check box displaying of the color gradient with AVAST32 title will in the left part of the window.
The "Show bitmaps" check box will activate the displaying of the pictures in the main window of AVAST32. The pictures illustrate the activities performed and make work with the program more pleasant.